You two are my favorite truth source, truly inspired and I am very grateful to have found you!

Blessings to you for doing God's work.

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Thank you! This means the world to us. God bless

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I've recently found your podcast (thanks to a hit piece trying to smear you, as it were lol) and I love the information you pass along.

If I wanted to go deeper into the wars in the Balkans in the 90's, what would be a good source to read up/ listen to for that?

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The Weight of Chains documentaries are good. And which hit piece was this? Texas Monthly? lol

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Thank you. And yes, it was the Texas Monthly one haha

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As a continuation of last week all of любэ songs have also been deleted from Spotify

Great content as always

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You guys really need to start waiting till Monday to record.

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This news cycle is crazy 😂 I think the quietest time had to be February - May 2023 (Just before Bakhmut fell).

Roller coaster.

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yeah yeah…

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