Jim Jatras joins to discuss WWIII widening in the middle east, Iran strikes Pakistan & Iraq, US declaring war on Houthis, Netanyahu rejects Palestinian state, deaconesses in the Church, & MORE!
I admit that I haven’t gone back to listen to all of the episodes that aired before I became aware of WWN--but, since I’ve started listening you’ve had several guests on, of varying caliber (IMO)--having said that, I found Jim Jontras (whom I’d unfortunately never heard of before this) to be the best, most articulate, interesting, and intellectually-competitive (relative to the two of you) guest you’ve had on this far. I look forward to his return!
Just read a stack, “The Slavland Chronicles” where the author purports to present the views of one of the Ukr negotiators at Istanbul. That Putin was willing to concede on a number of issues that I thought were precious: denazification, demilitarization, Russian language, Russian church etc. I was jarred. Would love your take on this.
It’s always good hearing from Jim.
I love the mini eather hours thrown in there, well played Dimitriy.
I couldn't resist! I hope it was interesting.
For reference to other listeners, I was speaking about Saint Hermogenes (the New-Martyr, not the Patriarch of Moscow):
More Jim!
I admit that I haven’t gone back to listen to all of the episodes that aired before I became aware of WWN--but, since I’ve started listening you’ve had several guests on, of varying caliber (IMO)--having said that, I found Jim Jontras (whom I’d unfortunately never heard of before this) to be the best, most articulate, interesting, and intellectually-competitive (relative to the two of you) guest you’ve had on this far. I look forward to his return!
I completely agree Jacob. Jim is a wealth of knowledge, and even more importantly - experience.
In all fairness to Great Britain, they have fought about everyone
Just read a stack, “The Slavland Chronicles” where the author purports to present the views of one of the Ukr negotiators at Istanbul. That Putin was willing to concede on a number of issues that I thought were precious: denazification, demilitarization, Russian language, Russian church etc. I was jarred. Would love your take on this.