Aug 3Liked by Conrad Franz

Question for you Conrad,

Did Archbishop Makarios do anything wrong? The longer things go on like this the more he gets vindicated. I think one of the modern elders had a vision of him in heaven though I can't recall my source on this. Was he a saint?

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While there are canonical issues with Bishops in public office I believe Abp. Makarios was in the place he was for a reason. We would like to discuss him and cyprus more in a future episode with a subject matter expert

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Jul 22Liked by Conrad Franz

Very well-written and informative article about a part of the world that’s been tragically, largely forgotten by the rest of the world since 1974. Considering how the Turks literally ethnically cleansed the northern part of the country, it’s baffling and infuriating to see the Republic of Cyprus working with the zionists across the Mediterranean who are doing the same but 100x worse in Gaza and the West Bank.

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Only believe what you see...

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