Discussing Trump's explosive 1st week in office, his day one Executive Orders, his foreign policy, the border, & MORE! Also Israel's West Bank war, Gaza/Syria updates, no more aid to Ukraine, & MORE!
I had the opportunity to visit a remote monastery, the priest at this monastery was a former Catholic converted to Orthodoxy. He fled abroad after being threatened by the lavender mafia within the Catholic Church after being outspoken about the issue.
Just hit the like button and will do the same on telegram. You guys know I love your episodes. I usually listen to them while on the road but rest assured, I try to hit the like button and leave comments when I can. Cheers
Epic stuff Andrew. It really does help the Algorithm when listeners hit the like button (whether organic or AI run). It’s a real privilege to have long-time listeners like you, thank you for the support.
We will have a fresh Q&A #11 thread up sometime soon, time really does fly fast 😁
God will reward you both for this mission you have. No one, and I mean no one is talking about the parts of the world that you cover. I am also leaning much about the Orthodox Church and on a less positive note, judiasm (intentional lower case j)
Russian Naval presence in the Mediterranean is never boring. Whether it's Admiral Orlov, Saint Fyodor Ushakov, Lodewijk van Heiden, or Pavel Nakhimov, Russian adventures in that part of the world were always a breeding ground for some insane Heroism. The Battle of Corfu and the ship Azov at Navarino are two of the most daunting moments in military History. The end of the port of Tartus means that presumably these days are over. I'm not anyone's spiritual father, but sending Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimovs name to the monasteries has been very fruitful. He is not glorified, but you can pray for his departed soul. He was a very faithful Orthodox Christian who loved Greece, loved his homeland, and died a grace filled warriors death on the battlefield. He gave much of his money to the poor, his sailors, and his fallen sailors widows. He lead from the front, turned his quarters into a Hospital, and bought his troops fresh fruits and vegetables out of his own pocket to keep his men from disease. I leave you with this quote of his shortly before he was killed by a French Bullet.
"A pure soul and noble person will always expect death calmly and cheerfully, but a coward fears death like a coward.”
If Russia wants the Mediterranean then Russia needs to produce another Nakhimov.
I don't know> I can't continue to listen to a rapid reading of headlines I have already read. just give some insight and move on. This has been a trend. I just stop listening.
Read Leo Zagami, born on Vatican soil. He found all the cardinals in a bar having homosexual sex.
I had the opportunity to visit a remote monastery, the priest at this monastery was a former Catholic converted to Orthodoxy. He fled abroad after being threatened by the lavender mafia within the Catholic Church after being outspoken about the issue.
He fled to the US some years ago. He and I are connected on Insta. He has not posted anything for a LONG while. Omertà.
Thank you for the great discussion! You have beautiful voices, too, which are very easy to listen to!
God bless your work;and the Orthodox Church ☦️
Just hit the like button and will do the same on telegram. You guys know I love your episodes. I usually listen to them while on the road but rest assured, I try to hit the like button and leave comments when I can. Cheers
Epic stuff Andrew. It really does help the Algorithm when listeners hit the like button (whether organic or AI run). It’s a real privilege to have long-time listeners like you, thank you for the support.
We will have a fresh Q&A #11 thread up sometime soon, time really does fly fast 😁
God will reward you both for this mission you have. No one, and I mean no one is talking about the parts of the world that you cover. I am also leaning much about the Orthodox Church and on a less positive note, judiasm (intentional lower case j)
Russian Naval presence in the Mediterranean is never boring. Whether it's Admiral Orlov, Saint Fyodor Ushakov, Lodewijk van Heiden, or Pavel Nakhimov, Russian adventures in that part of the world were always a breeding ground for some insane Heroism. The Battle of Corfu and the ship Azov at Navarino are two of the most daunting moments in military History. The end of the port of Tartus means that presumably these days are over. I'm not anyone's spiritual father, but sending Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimovs name to the monasteries has been very fruitful. He is not glorified, but you can pray for his departed soul. He was a very faithful Orthodox Christian who loved Greece, loved his homeland, and died a grace filled warriors death on the battlefield. He gave much of his money to the poor, his sailors, and his fallen sailors widows. He lead from the front, turned his quarters into a Hospital, and bought his troops fresh fruits and vegetables out of his own pocket to keep his men from disease. I leave you with this quote of his shortly before he was killed by a French Bullet.
"A pure soul and noble person will always expect death calmly and cheerfully, but a coward fears death like a coward.”
If Russia wants the Mediterranean then Russia needs to produce another Nakhimov.
America just tried to blow up another Russian gas pipeline. Runs thru Turkey.
Doing God's work fellas!
Great episode . Many years !
Would it not be an American Jew?
What is a Jewish American? A Jew is a religion. Since when do we identify a religion as if it's a nationality?
Russia Truth reports Ukrainian partisans against Zelensky have blown up a train near Rivne loaded with Polish soldiers and US Attacams.
I don't know> I can't continue to listen to a rapid reading of headlines I have already read. just give some insight and move on. This has been a trend. I just stop listening.