Discussing the new balance of power in the Levant as Israel & Turkey advance, Greenland open to joining the US, Maduro arresting opposition, Pat. Kirill's anti immigration stance, EU updates, & MORE!
Thanks for the in depth coverage, Conrad & Dmitriy. Let’s pull back the camera and look at the broader objectives which the “war theatre” is enabling a piece at a time:
The war - like the pandemic - is anything but organic. Instead, the war is the crescendo of the NWO dialectic as it will manifest gargantuan systemic problems demanding systemic foundational solutions.
The conflict will decimate what remains of our supply chains at their most basic level, wreaking absolute havoc. Currencies - already on their last legs - will be deliberately hyper-inflated away all over the globe in order to pay for it. Energy grids will falter as Chinese replacement parts dry up. Our lives will be intentionally and irrevocably flipped upside-down.
Everyone will be demanding something be done and the pre-planned solutions will be one-world-government and CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies). These CBDCs will link with your social credit score, vaccine status, and carbon footprint in order to determine your eligibility - in real time - to participate or not participate in your 15 minute panopticon economy.
The globablists' have successfully weaponized the Red vs Blue, East vs West, Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed, Boy vs Girl, Gay vs Straight, Brown vs White, and Pro-Life vs Choice dichotomies to exploit our innate tribal nature, and in doing so are dividing and conquering us. This us-vs-them separation makes us easy to control and direct with simple angry thoughts about the enemy who isn’t really our enemy - while blinding us to the actual enemy behind the curtain pulling the puppet strings. If we could collectively recognize this for what it is the NWO wouldn’t stand a chance.
Do you have the link to the interview with the former governor of Novorossiya?
The link to the interview of Pavel Gubarev is here:
Thanks for the in depth coverage, Conrad & Dmitriy. Let’s pull back the camera and look at the broader objectives which the “war theatre” is enabling a piece at a time:
The war - like the pandemic - is anything but organic. Instead, the war is the crescendo of the NWO dialectic as it will manifest gargantuan systemic problems demanding systemic foundational solutions.
The conflict will decimate what remains of our supply chains at their most basic level, wreaking absolute havoc. Currencies - already on their last legs - will be deliberately hyper-inflated away all over the globe in order to pay for it. Energy grids will falter as Chinese replacement parts dry up. Our lives will be intentionally and irrevocably flipped upside-down.
Everyone will be demanding something be done and the pre-planned solutions will be one-world-government and CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies). These CBDCs will link with your social credit score, vaccine status, and carbon footprint in order to determine your eligibility - in real time - to participate or not participate in your 15 minute panopticon economy.
The globablists' have successfully weaponized the Red vs Blue, East vs West, Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed, Boy vs Girl, Gay vs Straight, Brown vs White, and Pro-Life vs Choice dichotomies to exploit our innate tribal nature, and in doing so are dividing and conquering us. This us-vs-them separation makes us easy to control and direct with simple angry thoughts about the enemy who isn’t really our enemy - while blinding us to the actual enemy behind the curtain pulling the puppet strings. If we could collectively recognize this for what it is the NWO wouldn’t stand a chance.
Excerpt from (solutions are at the bottom): https://tritorch.substack.com/p/united-we-stand-divided-we-fall
Our Great Lord and Father His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus, may God grant him Many years!
'time will be no more'
We won't care about calendars. We will be in one accord.
Bless those soldiers who lost fingers. Their reward is in heaven
The US has the back of the new Iranian President, according to a Qatari news report, so, if true, what difference will this make?