I’m astonished that Russia would exchange 800 Ukrainian POWs for 200 Russian POWs. I would have expected 400 to 200 based on previous exchanges. I’m not sure how wise this decision was.

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This may be part of the Kremlin's way of trying to gain ground in the PR war. Present themselves as reasonable and humane, in contrast to Kiev. Probably this is what lay behind the proposed "Christmas Truce" as well.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Conrad Franz

DEBATING Orthodox Convert: Is Marxism Satanic?

this dude is dumb iam always amazed at how delusional people become in america and btw "maga" is a fantasy a dream because america was never "great" to become that again and certainly the "great" oppression of the past is not legitimate in the current nor future reality

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Conrad Franz

show me one success story for christians using communism as a political ideology

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Conrad Franz

why does the communist not show me one model of christian communism working well and if communism works for christians why not show me one success story because all we got is dreams and with dreams we know that they often turn into nightmares as americans should know very well

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Jan 23, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023Liked by Conrad Franz

Was looking forward to this all week. Very good work, as usual. The story of the helicopter crash, which resulted in the death of the Ukrainian interior minister very much reminded me of the "accidental" death of Italo Balbo, in 1940. Balbo was a high-ranking member of Mussolini's cabinet, and was publicly opposed to 'Il Duce's' alliance with Germany, favouring a policy which would see Italy playing friendly with both Germany and Britain, as opposed to leaning on one side. So the common theory is that the 'friendly fire' which shot down Balbo's plane over Libya, about a month after Italy declared war on Britain, was by no means an accident - as the official narrative claimed - and was Mussolini getting rid of someone who could've possibly and very easily pulled off a coup down the road. You can definitely look at that incident as an early foreshadowing of what was to come in Italy in 1943-45. Parallels within the Kiev regime are clearly visible.

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The last package did nothing:

410 Soviet-era tanks delivered by NATO members in former communist bloc, including Poland, Czech Republic and Slovenia.

300 [Armored/Infantry Fighting Vehicles], including 250 Soviet-designed IFVs from former communist states.

1,100 [Armored Personnel Carriers], including 300 M113 troop carriers and 250 M117s.

300 towed howitzers. 400+ pieces of self-propelled artillery, of which 180 is on order.

95 [Multiple Rocket Launchers]

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Same happened to the Polish Gov back in the day. Flying in bad weather can end like that

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Sure. You especially know something is going on, when you see what's been happening the last day or so; with various resignations from Silensky's cabinet, and officials not being allowed to leave the country. As this goes on longer and longer, the Kiev Regime increasingly resembles the "Republic of Salo" - the puppet government established at Milan by the occupying Germans, after Italy deposed Mussolini, and signed an armistice with the Allies, in September 1943. The Germans then broke Mussolini out of prison, invaded and occupied Northern Italy, going as far south as Rome, and set up Mussolini as a puppet. This last phase of Mussolini's regime was the most ridiculous and the most abusive, ending with Germany's surrender in April 1945. Silensky's regime in Kiev definitely rhymes with that.

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What on earth is going on in Iran right now? Apparently there are drone attacks on military installations, and Al Arabiya is saying Israel's responsible. Anybody else hear anything about this?

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atheism in the soviet union is not a "religious strife" its a sign of degeneration of russian culture during communist rule forceful collectivism going so far that everybody started to hate eachother the ukraine war is a result of soviet miscalculation and mismanagement

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Dear WWN, I really love your work, but I have a slight quibble; this last package that has been delivered to Ukraine is chicken feed. A handful of tanks and some APCs won't make a scrap of difference. The amount of ammunition won't last long either. I think you are massively exaggerating its likely impact. It's just tokenism to keep the killing going as long as possible.

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