In this long awaited installment of Aether Hour Momcilo Nevesky joins us to discuss Corneliu Zelea Codreanu. Codreanu led the Legion of the Archangel Michael (Iron Guard) in the early 20th century in Romania. A devout Orthodox Christian and political third positionist he and his associates had a meteoric rise in 1930’s Romanian politics before being brutally persecuted, leaving Romania to fall to communism. We discuss aspects of Codreanu’s life never before heard in the English language and, depending on who you ask, this could be considered an installment of our “uncanonized Saints” series!
👑⚡️Be sure to check out our WWN episode w/ Momcilo where we refute “MAGA Communism” once and for all HERE! 👇🏻
🇷🇴🔎 Read Momcilo’s extended article on Codreanu & Romanian 20th century politics HERE:
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