There’s a report on telegram that the new plan is to deport the people of Gaza to Somalia and the Western Sahara. If true, and no I don’t immediately believe everything I read, this changes everything, for the worse. It’s not surprising that Egypt and Jordan don’t want them but I can’t think of two shittier places on earth to forcibly deport a people who’ve been all but genocided by that satanic zionist entity that dares to call itself Israel. If true, Donald Trump must be written off as a Christian and like his daughter, assume to be a convert to the talmud (intentional lower case t out of total disrespect).

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An Old Rite/Edinoverie Aether hour episode would be very much needed now that the population is growing in the US.

This is culmination of alexander solzhenitsyn's letter to ROCOR, where he requested the restoration of the Old Rite. Bishop Anthony of San Francisco, Bishop Nektary of Seattle, Fr. Seraphim rose, and the layman John Hudanish sowed many seeds in Woodburn Oregon. I pray God rewards all of them. Fr Pimen Simon is a great man, and Bishop John has labored very hard for decades to bring Old Believers back to the fold. Also Elder Damianos of St Catherine's Mt. Sinai personally gave counsel to many Old believers. John Hudanish is still living to the best of my knowledge. I wish I had his contact because he could unpack this at a very deep level since he lived in Woodburn and knew Fr. Seraphim and Fr. Herman personally in the 70s.

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Great show as always 🤌🏻🤌🏻

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I would push back on the statement that the USA owns the Panama Canal. If you invade a country and build something there, you don't get to keep it since you invaded. The US didn't really help Panama get its independence from Colombia, it took Panama away from Colombia so they could occupy it.

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Yeah in some ways you’re correct.

I think historically I was always viewing Colombia’s independence from Spain as a ‘Masonic’ act of rebellion, especially in relation to the time period of the nation’s formation (post-French Revolution, aligning with all the other Freemasonic revolts across Europe & Americas), and Simon Bolivar’s participation.

From what I have read about Simon Bolivar, his charisma, very magnetic personality & devotion to freemasonry - he was a real proto-Antichrist type figure. (Father Oleg Stenayev, a well known modern Russian military priest & missionary, makes a similar assessment in his lectures on freemasonry).

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