Very much liked the episode and appreciate your work in general. Very high quality stuff.

It would be fun to chat with you guys, and pick your brains. Are you guys more active here, or am I better off joining the chat group on TG?

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we respond here! we are working on some discussion threads for us and our audience to engage in discussions and share links here on substack in the near future. our telegram has comments as well which are good as we share relevant news and content daily! you can also dm me on twitter if u like. thanks so much for the support! :)

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Wonderful. I guess I'll continue here, then.

Did you hear about the death of the former King of Greece, Constantine II?

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I second this question… would be curious as to how you understand the passing of the King in light of the prophecies of St. Paisios concerning him… if we are in fact to understand, as many have, that they were in reference to the King.

In the aftermath of the Great War and the deliberation over Constantinople:

“Then, King Constantine will help, as a mediator, to give the City to Greece. He is reverent, he is good.” ¹

“King Constantine will bring a dowry to Greece, Northern Epirus and the Monastery.” ²

“The world will be so disappointed in those years by the politicians of the major parties, that it will loathe them all. They will ask for all the politicians to leave and for the king to come. And the king will not refuse the call of the people.” ³

Could they instead be references to the Marbled King, The Last Holy Emperor? As Elder Porphyrios indicates: “And now we must not despair. I see through the calamity to appear some very important person of God, who will rally and unite the world for good.”


¹ «Τότε, ο βασιλιάς Κωνσταντίνος θα συμβάλει, ως μεσάζοντας, να δοθεί η Πόλη στην Ελλάδα. Είναι ευλαβής, είναι καλός»!

(Μαρτυρίες Προσκυνητών, Γέροντας Παΐσιος ο Αγιορείτης 1924 – 1994, Νικολάου Ζουρνατζόγλου, Τόμος Α΄/έκδοση β΄, σελ. 434 – 435, εκδόσεις Αγιοτόκος Καππαδοκία).

² «Ο Βασιλιάς Κωνσταντίνος θα φέρει προίκα στην Ελλάδα τη Βόρειο Ήπειρο και το Μοναστήρι»!

(Μαρτυρίες Προσκυνητών, Γέροντας Παΐσιος ο Αγιορείτης 1924 – 1994, Νικολάου Ζουρνατζόγλου, Τόμος Β΄, σελ. 369, εκδόσεις Αγιοτόκος Καππαδοκία.

³ «…Ο κόσμος, τόσο απογοητευμένος θα είναι τα χρόνια εκείνα απ΄ τους πολιτικούς των μεγάλων κομμάτων, που θα τους σιχαθεί όλους. Θα ζητήσουν να φύγουν όλοι οι πολιτικοί και να έρθει ο βασιλιάς. Και ο βασιλιάς δε θα αρνηθεί το κάλεσμα του λαού»! (Μαρτυρίες Προσκυνητών, Γέροντας Παΐσιος ο Αγιορείτης 1924 – 1994, Νικολάου Ζουρνατζόγλου, Τόμος Β΄, σελ. 364, εκδόσεις Αγιοτόκος Καππαδοκία).

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Interesting. Because the version of him I always knew of was the one who was a Western puppet, and allowed Greece to spiral into chaos and dysfunction (though you could also blame this on his father, Paul, r. 1947 - 1964), which basically prompted the Colonels to take over in 1967.

Even worse, Constantine tried to unseat Papadopoulos and mount a coup a few months later, only for the soldiers to arrest the generals ordering them to march against Papadopoulos and King Constantine fled into exile. He remained the Head of State, even in exile, until Papadopoulos had him deposed in 1972, and Greece was proclaimed a Republic. Then in 1974, after the Military Regime was ousted, a referendum was held on the Monarchy, and the Monarchy was abolished after something like 70% voted against its restoration.

But there's probably other sides to this story I'm not aware of. If it's true that St Paisios held the late King in high regard, he must have had good reason.

Also, I very much appreciate your posting of sources, so other people can follow up. Did Saint Paisios or other contemporary Saints comment on the Regime of the Colonels, at all; whether or not they were good or bad?

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You offer a very reasonable historical account and a sentiment shared by many. I almost forgot, we must include this statement attributed to the Saint, which suggests he held the King in high disregard, counting him amongst other infamous figures:

“Now we don't have Ali Pasha, Hitler, Mussolini or the former King Constantine as our enemy, but the devil. That is why we will also have a heavenly salary…”

«…γιατί τώρα δεν έχουμε εχθρό τον Αλή Πασά, τον Χίτλερ, τον Μουσολίνι ή τον Τέως Βασιλιά Κωνσταντίνο, αλλά τον διάβολο. Γιαυτό θα έχουμε και ουράνιο μισθό…»

This is quite explicit to “former King Constantine,” so we require an understanding of the “King Constantine” above, and below, in this final account, we read:

They asked the Elder: “In the end, will Constantine or John take the city?” And they asked this, because one prophecy says that the king from poverty will be called John, while another says that the City was surrendered to Constantine, and Constantine will take it. The Elder then smiled and said: “You are impatient. You will see them with your own eyes. States also have prime ministers and generals, not just kings.”

Ρωτούσαν τον γέροντα : «Τελικά , Κωνσταντίνος ή Ιωάννης θα την πάρει την Πόλη; ». Και το ρωτούσαν αυτό , επειδή μια προφητεία λέει ότι ο εκ πενίας βασιλεύς θα λέγεται Ιωάννης , ενώ άλλη λέει ότι την Πόλη Κωνσταντίνος την παρέδωσε , Κωνσταντίνος θα την πάρει .Ο γέροντας τότε χαμογελώντας έλεγε : «Είστε ανυπόμονοι . Θα τα δείτε με τα μάτια σας . Τα κράτη έχουν και πρωθυπουργούς και στρατηγούς , όχι μόνο βασιλιάδες ».

Παϊσίου Μοναχού Προφητείες & Διδαχές , Σελ: 434

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Right. And ofc, this leads to the question of "which John" or "which Constantine". In the Eastern Roman Empire, there were 11 Emperors who bore the name Constantine, and 8 who bore the name John.

From what I know, the last Roman Emperor, Constantine XI Palaiologos (r. 1448-1453) lived and died a Unite, upholding the execrable Union of Florence (1439) promulgated by his elder brother and predecessor, Emperor John VIII (r. 1425 AD - 1448 AD).

Elder/St Ephraim of Arizona, when he was still with us, was known to believe that the Sleeping King/Marble Emperor would be St John III Vatatzes (r. 1222 AD - 1255 AD), and personally, I'm inclined to believe him, and find that interpretation compelling for a variety of reasons.

As for the Modern Kings of Greece, and the statements of St Paisios, it's very possible that the Constantine he was praising was Constantine I (r. 1912-1917, 1920-1922), who unlike Constantine II (r. 1964-1972), actually took his role as King very seriously and upheld both Orthodox values and the national interests of Greece. Constantine I's mother was also a Romanov princess, and he was married to the sister of the German Kaiser. All of this contributed to his neutral stance in WWI, and his being hated by the Allies (Britain and France) and ultimately their overthrowing of him. It was only after their puppet, Venizelos was ousted in the 1920 election, and King Constantine was restored, that all of a sudden Britain and France threw their support, material and otherwise, behind Kemal and the Turkish Nationalists in the Greco-Turkish War (1919-1922), and actively undermined the Greek economy and war effort, in order to pull off another regime change in Greece, which was accomplished via Venizelist military officers, in 1922.

So it's therefore very possible that St Paisios might have said both things; praising Kostas I, and correctly noting the arrogant and insouciant disposition of his namesake, Kostas II; who allowing the country entrusted to him by God, to fall into economic disrepair and political dysfunction, was justly ousted from his throne by historical circumstances.

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I really enjoy your podcasts. I am a Catholic and want to state that there is no "Pope Francis" and there never was. Jorge Bergoglio is an antipope, not because he's a blaspheming heretic but because Pope Benedict XVI's resignation is invalid per Canon Law. Pope Benedict didn't really resigned: he resigned the administrative part of the job and kept the prayerful part of the job. That's not possible per Canon Law. When Pope Benedict "resigned", he kept wearing white because there "weren't any black cassocks available" in the entire city of Rome for an average-sized man and ten years later, there apparently still weren't any??? Pope Benedict stayed in the Vatican, he kept wearing the papal ring, he was referred to as his holiness and he still gave apostolic blessings. He was the holy father whether he liked it or not from 2005 up until is death last week. The Papal See is now vacant and all hell is about to break loose because of that.

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Andrew, are you familiar with The Prophecy of the Popes? If so, what is your understanding of it concerning what you’ve stated above?

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Hello. I am not familiar with the prophecy of the popes but am interested if you could provide a link/reference. Thank you and have a good day

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The Prophecy of the Popes is a prophecy attributed to the 12th Century Saint, St. Malachy, counting 111 / 112 Popes from the 12th Century to the end of the Papacy in an age of tribulation and the destruction of the city of Rome.

After centuries of speculation, we have finally reached the end and the zero moment of truth. Pope Benedict XVI would be the 111th, i.e. the terminal Pope in the 111 reading. In the alternate reading of 112, Pope Francis is the terminal Pope. Regardless of which reading one prefers, we have arrived at the end.

Not officially sanctioned by the Catholic Church, and a matter of controversy amongst the faithful, its attribution to St. Malachy must be rejected based on the simple fact that the rendition of the Popes (by symbolic allusion), between the date of the alleged composition and first publication, late 16th century, were clearly written post eventum.

Nevertheless, the count of 112 appears to be true. And the allusions to each Pope enumerated post-publication, to the serious student, appear to be genuine. There are countless proofs for this, within the actual text, and independent of this Prophecy that invite this reading.

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I will offer perhaps the most intriguing reading regarding time:

The 73rd Pope, is christened:

“Axis in Medietate Signi”

Axis in the Middle Sign

The Axis, of course, is that around which a body rotates, and as if to reaffirm the meaning, we have “the middle sign.” Symbolic language, naturally, operates at multiple valences, but if we simply focus on the hypothesis, as many did, that this would be the middle Pope, in history, not in the count, for he is 73rd in count, and not 56th. This aligns with Pope Sixte-Quint.

Sixtus V

4/24/1585 - 8/27/1590

The first Pope in the Count is:

Célestine II

9/26/1143 - 3/8/1144

The theory that many put forth, a long time ago, is that if we subtract the dates between the Middle Pope and the First Pope, we get approximately 442 years. Then, theoretically, if we add 442 years to the reign of the Middle Pope, we should arrive to end of the reign of the Terminal Pope.

1585 - 1143 = 442

442 years from the First Pope to the Middle Pope.

442 years from the Middle Pope to the Terminal Pope

1585 – 2027

If we take the average of each Pope’s reign (since 1750), of ~14 years:

The Last Pope = 2013 – 2027

Thibaut (see below) arrives at 2012 for the end of the 111th Pope’s reign (who he considered the Terminal Pope).

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When we draw this together in consideration with other prophecies, the intrigue becomes profound. During this Russia – NATO war, according to numerous prophecies, the Great Monarch will rise, and the Papacy will end. The War is said to be in two parts (St. Paisios, and other Saints) 6 years, with a five month interregnum.

3 years to the Russians, 3 years to NATO, five months in between. Total war in the second half, nuclear war in the 5th year, nuclear winter in the 6th, until the Angelic herald summoning the Great Monarch, who will bring the war to an end. The 16th Century Patriarch of Constantinople, Genadios Scholarios’s, recording of the oracle of Biblion Historikon, is of particular relevance.

If we count from 2/24/22, which we believe to be the official start of the Great War (a matter that will be clear within 6 – 18 months and a very auspicious date for many other extraordinary reasons), four years and five months, until we enter the fifth year (07/26/26 - 07/26/27), we arrive at the late summer / early fall of 2026.

And we read from Hieromartyr Constantius the Russian of Constantinople: “On July 8th two unheard-of wars will coincide. On August 12th there will be an unbearable heatwave. On December 18th half mankind will perish.”

Finally, if we return to the Prophecy of the Popes, and get the exact count, to the day:

441 years, 6 months, 29 days (161,286 days)

from 4/24/1585

December, 4, 2026

December 4th – December 18th, a delta of two weeks. The Saints have spoken of a total war in which all of the major cities would be annihilated (then the rise of the Great Monarch, then the Unification of the Church). The Prophecy of the Popes ends with the destruction of the City of Rome:

“In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit, Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills [i.e. Rome] will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge[a] will judge his people. The End.”

Other Saints regarding the War and its catastrophic conclusion:

St. Theodosius of Minvody, shortly after the outbreak of war with Germany in 1941: “Do you really think that this is the war? The war is still to come. It will begin from the east. And then from all sides, like locusts, the enemies will spread over Russia... That will be the war!”

St. Seraphim of Vyritsa: “Many countries will fall on Russia, but she will survive, though losing a great part of her territory. That war, foretold by the Holy Scriptures, will bring about the unity of mankind. People will understand that it will be impossible to go on, otherwise every living thing will die. They will elect a single government–this will be the antechamber for the reign of the Antichrist. Then the persecution of Christians will begin…”

Hieromonk Anthony of St. Sabbas’ Monastery: “…a terrible war in which either one half or two thirds of humanity will perish, and which will be stopped by a voice from heaven: ‘And the Gospel will be preached throughout the world’.“

Archbishop Theophanes of Poltava said: “This terrible war, say the saints, will begin in the East and will end in the West... More than half of mankind will perish... All the great cities will be annihilated... Indescribable sufferings await the inhabitants of the earth...”

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What are your sources for all of these writings of the Orthodox Saints regarding the War? Do you mind sharing? I don't ask out of doubt, but in order to look into the matter more deeply.

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A few brief sources.

Wikipedia has a decent writeup:


I invite you to watch this documentary entitled, “End Time Prophecy of the Popes.” Please disregard the rather low-budget theatrics in its presentation. Its content is worthy of consideration.


For a more serious study of the Prophecy (unfortunately only available in French), have a look at the esoteric study of the priest and academic scholar, René Thibaut, who composed a commentary in 1951.


And finally, an older study by Abbé Joseph Maître (also regrettably only in French):


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